Chung-Bae lab meeting (10/20/2017)

Jae will present his recent progress in research. We'll have Lily Cheng (1st year MCGD student) to join our lab meeting. Welcome, Lily! 

Chung-Bae Joint Lab meeting (9/13/2017)

This is the last week for Buse in doing her summer research in Bae lab. Buse will give a short talk summarizing her research experience. 

Jean-Ju gave a talk at BoS meeting (9/5/2017)

Biology of Spermatozoa meeting initiated by Dr. Tim Birkhead. Derbyshire, UK, has a beautiful and peaceful fauna and flora. Interesting meeting focused on evolutionary and behavioral reproduction from plug formation to sperm competition. 

Chung-Bae Joint Lab Meeting (8/23/2017)

Seema has worked very hard during the summer and it's her debut for a short talk in the lab meeting!

We'll also have Delfina, fresh G1 student who will rotate in the lab, to visit the lab and attend the meeting. Welcome to Yale and Chung lab, Delfina!